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Fong Qi Wei

Glassy Sunset, Time is a Dimension (2013)

Fong Qi Wei is based in Singapore and has been using photography as a medium for his art for over 10 years. Strongly believing that print is the final point of an artistic process, he is now actively involved in printmaking to achieve the final vision for his art. He has produced many series of photographs, many of which have received critical acclaim; especially his series entitled Exploded Flowers. Qi Wei’s work has been featured in The New York Times Magazine, Boston Globe and Colossal, and these are only the very tip of the iceberg. His latest series, Time is a Dimension, continues to push the boundaries of photography as an art form.  

When did you first take up photography?
I only took up photography about 11 or 12 years ago. But I became more involved in the equally important process of printmaking 2 to 3 years back.

Where do you get your inspiration?
No particular place, I am afraid. The best answer I can give is that I like to be curious about anything and most things. With time, interesting ideas are bound to collide and come to life.

What are your favourite things to photograph?
I like land and cityscapes and still life, just to name a few. However, if I have a message I feel strong enough about I will look at how to use photography to convey it, regardless of how much I like something.

Pearls Centre Sunset, Time is a Dimension (2013)

Changi Beach Sunrise, Time is a Dimension (2013)

Of all your works, which are your personal favourites?
I have no personal favourites- most of my works have been developed over a fairly long period of time, so I feel connected to all of them. 

My series Exploded Flowers have taught me a valuable lesson though- you do not need to go somewhere isolated or fancy just to make art or take good photographs. 

Sometimes the best things are right under our noses, just waiting to be seen in a different way.

Gerbera Exploded, Exploded Flowers (2011)

Hydrangea Exploded, Exploded Flowers (2011)

What do you hope to convey through your photographs?
For Time is a Dimension, it is to let my audience be aware that our experiences and scenes we see are more than a snapshot. Too many people in this age of camera phones are caught up in getting 'that perfect shot', when the experiences of change and time could be much richer. 

Kite Flying at West Coast (Sunset), Time is a Dimension (2013)

National Day Preview 02, Time is a Dimension (2013)

What advice do you have for aspiring photographers?
Keep practising, and always be curious! And- make a print, do not let your images live only in disk drives and the Internet. We are all physical creatures after all, not virtual ones.

Find Qi Wei here: